Reference Timeframe | 8-12 calendar days |
Delivery Coverage | Throughout (refer to the Mexico address database), Amazon warehouse addresses are not accepted. |
Weight Requirements | 0-30KG (with a weight limit of 10KG for items containing batteries) |
Dimension requirements | 60CM* 45CM* 45CM |
Billing Weight | The greater of actual weight and volumetric weight is used for calculation (volumetric weight calculation method: length * width * height cm / 6000 = KG). |
Advantages | 1. Goods with a declared value within $50 USD are exempt from import taxes. 2. Last-mile delivery is provided by high-quality commercial express delivery with no additional fees for remote areas throughout. 3. Second delivery and return re-delivery services are available. 4. DDP tax payment service is provided. |
Order Instructions | 1. This service provides DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) service and does not accept any under-declaration. Please declare the value based on the platform sales price. 2. For goods with a declared value exceeding $50 USD (including $50 USD), we will charge a 19% tariff based on the declared product value provided by the customer. The tariff will be collected from the sender. 3. For the same recipient name and address, if the cumulative declared value of packages within the same day is less than $50 USD (or below the tax threshold of $50 USD in Mexico), it will be exempt from tax. 4. If the declared value of the package exceeds $50 USD, a 19% tax will be levied, with DDP terms by default. 5. The declared product name must be specific and cannot be a general category. For example, it cannot be declared as electronic accessories or components. |
Return and Redelivery | Support for Return and Reshipment: Customers can request reshipment within 30 days from the notification of parcel return. |
Shippable Line1 (General cargo) | Acceptable: general merchandise products; Not accepted: items containing batteries, food, controlled knives, items with liquids, powders, products containing wood, hazardous materials (e.g., lighters, flammable and explosive goods), laser pointers, helmets, infringing products, etc. |
Shippable Line2 (Electronic cargo) | Acceptable: items containing internal batteries (power not exceeding 100 watts); Not accepted: purely electronic items, food, controlled knives, items with liquids, powders, products containing wood, hazardous materials (e.g., lighters, flammable and explosive goods), laser pointers, helmets, infringing products, etc. |